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Book cover for Historical Development of Teacher Education in Chile, a book by Beatrice  Valos, Leonora  Reyes Book cover for Historical Development of Teacher Education in Chile, a book by Beatrice  Valos, Leonora  Reyes

Historical Development of Teacher Education in Chile

Facts, Policies and Issues
2020 ᛫

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Teacher education history in Chile can be traced back to its first institutions in the nineteenth century. From secondary-level origins, to its current university-based status, this book highlights the intermingling of policy with structural and process definitions of teacher education throughout Chilean history, up until recent market policies, to offer a comprehensive account of educational development in Chile. 

The authors investigate the complex role played by governments in supporting teacher education, strengthening programme quality, in constructing policies around institutional development and accountability, and in controlling educational development through standards and external evaluations. Beyond these broad themes, the book focuses on interesting periods and issues surrounding teacher education development throughout Chilean history. It recalls the early twentieth century emergence of a strong professional teacher movement, and dedicates a specific chapter to the role of women in teacher education. The authors also offer insight into the role of inclusive preparation, and the limited options for indigenous people in this respect. This book will be valuable to researchers and professionals interested in comparative teacher education issues and policy developments.