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Book cover for Mastering Ethereum, a book by Merunas  Grincalaitis Book cover for Mastering Ethereum, a book by Merunas  Grincalaitis

Mastering Ethereum

Implement advanced blockchain applications using Ethereum-supported tools, services, and protocols
2019 ᛫

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An expert guide to implementing fast, secure, and scalable decentralized applications that work with thousands of users in real time

Key Features

  • Implement advanced features of the Ethereum network to build powerful decentralized applications

  • Build smart contracts on different domains using the programming techniques of Solidity and Vyper

  • Explore the architecture of Ethereum network to understand advanced use cases of blockchain development

Book Description

Ethereum is one of the commonly used platforms for building blockchain applications. It's a decentralized platform for applications that can run exactly as programmed without being affected by fraud, censorship, or third-party interference.

This book will give you a deep understanding of how blockchain works so that you can discover the entire ecosystem, core components, and its implementations. You will get started by understanding how to configure and work with various Ethereum protocols for developing dApps. Next, you will learn to code and create powerful smart contracts that scale with Solidity and Vyper. You will then explore the building blocks of the dApps architecture, and gain insights on how to create your own dApp through a variety of real-world examples. The book will even guide you on how to deploy your dApps on multiple Ethereum instances with the required best practices and techniques. The next few chapters will delve into advanced topics such as, building advanced smart contracts and multi-page frontends using Ethereum blockchain. You will also focus on implementing machine learning techniques to build decentralized autonomous applications, in addition to covering several use cases across a variety of domains such as, social media and e-commerce.

By the end of this book, you will have the expertise you need to build decentralized autonomous applications confidently.

What you will learn

  • Apply scalability solutions on dApps with Plasma and state channels

  • Understand the important metrics of blockchain for analyzing and determining its state

  • Develop a decentralized web application using React.js and Node.js

  • Create oracles with Node.js to provide external data to smart contracts

  • Get to grips with using Etherscan and block explorers for various transactions

  • Explore web3.js, Solidity, and Vyper for dApps communication

  • Deploy apps with multiple Ethereum instances including TestRPC, private chain, test chain, and mainnet

Who this book is for

This book is for anyone who wants to build fast, highly secure, and transactional decentralized applications. If you are an Ethereum developer looking to perfect your existing skills in building powerful blockchain applications, then this book is for you. Basic knowledge of Ethereum and blockchain is necessary to understand the concepts covered in this book.