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Book cover for Advances in Social Science Methodology, a book by Bruce  Thompson Book cover for Advances in Social Science Methodology, a book by Bruce  Thompson

Advances in Social Science Methodology

1997 ᛫

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  • Page count

    260 pages

  • Category

    Social Theory

  • Publisher

    JAI Press Inc.

  • Ebook file size


"Advances in Social Science Methodology: Volume 4" is separated into two parts: factor analytic methods and non-factor analytic methods. The first section begins with an examination of basic issues in classical measurement and correlation, forming a foundation for subsequent discussions. Further chapters discuss explained-variance partitioning, repeated measures designs, canonical correlation analyses and selected parametric solutions to the Behrens-Fisher problem. Part two focuses on diverse aspects of factor analysis including an exploration of contemporary analytic and reporting practices in counselling psychology research, factor analyses of entities other than variables, confirmatory extraction and rotation and finally, an incisive treatment of higher-order exploratory methods.