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Book cover for Scala Programming Projects, a book by Mikael  Valot, Nicolas  Jorand Book cover for Scala Programming Projects, a book by Mikael  Valot, Nicolas  Jorand

Scala Programming Projects

Build real world projects using popular Scala frameworks like Play, Akka, and Spark
2018 ᛫

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Discover unique features and powerful capabilities of Scala Programming as you build projects in a wide range of domains

Key Features

  • Develop a range of Scala projects from web applications to big data analysis

  • Leverage full power of modern web programming using Play Framework

  • Build real-time data pipelines in Scala with a Bitcoin transaction analysis app

Book Description

Scala is a type-safe JVM language that incorporates object-oriented and functional programming (OOP and FP) aspects. This book gets you started with essentials of software development by guiding you through various aspects of Scala programming, helping you bridge the gap between learning and implementing. You will learn about the unique features of Scala through diverse applications and experience simple yet powerful approaches for software development.

Scala Programming Projects will help you build a number of applications, beginning with simple projects, such as a financial independence calculator, and advancing to other projects, such as a shopping application and a Bitcoin transaction analyzer. You will be able to use various Scala features, such as its OOP and FP capabilities, and learn how to write concise, reactive, and concurrent applications in a type-safe manner. You will also learn how to use top-notch libraries such as Akka and Play and integrate Scala apps with Kafka, Spark, and Zeppelin, along with deploying applications on a cloud platform.

By the end of the book, you will not only know the ins and outs of Scala, but you will also be able to apply it to solve a variety of real-world problems

What you will learn

  • Build, test, and package code using Scala Build Tool

  • Decompose code into functions, classes, and packages for maintainability

  • Implement the functional programming capabilities of Scala

  • Develop a simple CRUD REST API using the Play framework

  • Access a relational database using Slick

  • Develop a dynamic web UI using Scala.js

  • Source streaming data using Spark Streaming and write a Kafka producer

  • Use Spark and Zeppelin to analyze data

Who this book is for

If you are an amateur programmer who wishes to learn how to use Scala, this book is for you. Knowledge of Java will be beneficial, but not necessary, to understand the concepts covered in this book.